December 31, 1969
Traditional marketing approaches are no longer enough in today’s ever-changing environment. To thrive in the modern marketing landscape, professionals must develop diverse skill sets and prioritize collaboration. By building multidisciplinary teams, organizations can boost their marketing performance and contribute to business success.
Here are the top learnings:
Building multidisciplinary teams is not about turning data scientists into marketers or vice versa, but about forming bridges of understanding and enabling better communication, creativity, and problem-solving. Organizations that prioritize the development of new skills and foster a culture of continuous learning can see significant improvements in campaign execution time, customer engagement, and cost savings.
By following these principles and building multidisciplinary teams, organizations can unlock significant improvements in campaign execution time, customer engagement, and cost savings, ultimately contributing to business performance and growth. The world of marketing is constantly evolving, and staying ahead requires a multidisciplinary approach that leverages diverse skills, collaboration, and data-driven decision-making., the ability to adapt and maintain customer relationships will be essential for long-term success.
Helena Mah is a senior executive who takes a vision and makes it a reality, as a transformational leader able to inspire and empower individuals to unlock their potential and innovate to accelerate growth. Currently, as a Management and Business Consultant at Drop of Milk she is supporting international, ambitious companies in the definition of their business and commercial strategy, spearheading major strategic transformations through digitalization, and supporting organizational development to achieve higher impact.
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