December 31, 1969
Agile adaptive marketing strategy is on the ascendant in many categories as it makes sense of the chaos in current markets, allowing marketers to delve deeper into data that disrupts sectors.
Classical or traditional marketing strategy takes market predicatibiity into account – including customer behavior. However, the uncertainty of the past few years has meant more unknowns for marketers and radically changed consumer behavior, leading to crises in categories slower to adapt.
Adaptive marketing is customer-first marketing, which means marketers need to use shifting trends to adapt to individual customer needs, especially in today’s environment as change is accelerated. The opportunity for marketers lies in this fast changing environment – and being agile enough to adapt their strategy as they go, optimizing opportunities.
Every campaign becomes a research reveal, intimate individual insights of your consumer, charting your customer journey to adapt your messaging and channels. An adaptive marketer continually delves into data to amplify advertising action.
“[Adaptive marketing] is a strategy that enables truly comprehensive scenario planning. Not just planning for the handful of most likely scenarios, but putting the culture, systems, and tools in place that encourage and allow continuous challenging, questioning, and gameplanning of all possible scenarios that could emerge. Marketers and brand planners are ideally placed to thrive in a world of adaptive strategy. After all, there’s no more chaotic an environment right now than marketing and it various related disciplines,” reports Clear M&C Saatchi.
Age Of The Adaptive Marketer
CMO Council chronicles adaptive marketing strategy through reports which dig deeper into the how and why marketers need to be more adaptive today and show them the way.
In the report, The Age Of The Adaptive Marketer – Meeting the Needs of the Connected Customer with Adaptive Brand Content, CMO Council guides marketers in presenting brand materials in a manner that maintains brand identity while also adapting to geographical and cultural customer preferences, which is a critical challenge for marketers today.
Increasingly discerning consumers expect – if not demand – that the materials brands present across sales, marketing and service touch points are timely, relevant and reflect the customer’s unique context. Read more>
Regional Challenges
Yet despite a keen recognition of the need to more effectively deliver market-localized materials, many CMOs are stymied by the costs, time pressures and process inefficiencies of supporting adaption across a growing multitude of regions. The challenges of handling the logistics of localization at scale are exacerbated by a growing number of digital channels and increasingly expanding target markets.
This report, The Age Of The Adaptive Marketer – Meeting the Needs of the Connected Customer with Adaptive Brand Content, demonstrates that global organizations are having trouble keeping pace with both the rate of change and increasingly demanding expectations in their creative delivery process. It goes on to outline best practices to be followed for the modern adaptive marketing leader, and highlights new tools, strategies and partnerships that must be engaged in order to accelerate adaptive marketing initiatives.
In a presentation by CMO Council and other third-party experts, Adaptability in Branded Content Delivery, we explore background research conducted by CMO Council and other third party experts to explore the state of adaptability among the world's largest global brands. The presentation explores the localization mandate, benefits of adapting and localizing content, the need for platforms, and overcoming localization hurdles. Download the research>
Coping With The Challenges
Only three out of 10 marketing leaders are really confident that their data engine can keep them ahead of sudden disruptions in markets, customer behavior and world events. For marketers facing a steep data marketing maturity curve, much work lies ahead. Signals From The Noise, a CMO Council program examines the challenges marketing leaders have to overcome in order to realize marketing’s full data potential. These range from inadequate data systems to lack of talent to a corporate culture resistant to change.
In this programe and research reports, CMO Council takes a closer look at the acceleration of data-driven marketing, such as:
We explore how far data-driven marketing has come since the pandemic, what data, analytics, and insights capabilities marketing leaders enjoy today, and where they’re planning to go in the near future. From programs to reports and roundtables, there is a wealth of information to aid marketers in mapping their marketing moves. Find out more>
Louise has 25 years’ experience in B2B publishing as an award-winning editor, columnist and journalist on media brands in Africa; also working with brands/NGOs as a content strategist. She is currently Editorial Director of the CMO Council; lectures in Marketing & Advertising Communications at Red & Yellow School of Creative Business in Cape Town, SA; and writes and edits retail brand blog She holds a Masters in Commerce: Strategy and Organisational Dynamics, from University of KwaZulu Natal, in conjunction with Copenhagen Business School in Denmark and UK Open University.