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The Power of Personalization
The Impact + Influence of Individualized Content Delivery
Personalized marketing techniques are still in the early stages of being integrated into most company's marketing campaigns and budgets. While the need for quantifiable tools for gauging effectivenes and ROI Exist, marketiers are lagging in their adoption due to the lack of accurage and reliable customer data sources. These are two of the top findings from the "Power of Personalization" research. This paper delivers guidance on the application of customer analytics, database profiling, personalized web content and collateral , and individualized communications.
E-mail, digital printing, dimensional mailers, personalized URLs and many other marketing tools present endless opportunities for today’s senior marketers to get to know their customers better and meet their individualized needs. But are they doing so? And what’s stopping them from doing more? Which communications media produce the greatest ROI? Which methods have been tested, but not put into action? And where do the top marketing executives at companies like AT&T, IBM, Comcast and Disney see future opportunities for personalized communications?
Personalized marketing techniques are still in the early stages of being integrated into most company's marketing campaigns and budgets. While the need for quantifiable tools for gauging effectivenes and ROI Exist, marketiers are lagging in their adoption due to the lack of accurage and reliable customer data sources. These are two of the top findings from the "Power of Personalization" research. This paper delivers guidance on the application of customer analytics, database profiling, personalized web content and collateral , and individualized communications.
The Power of Personalization yields actionable insights that will help marketers improve their efforts in the area of personalization communications as we strive to attain a time-honored objective: employuing more effective communications techniques to maximize the value and ROI of customer acquisition and development activities.
The report is based on both qualitative and quantitative insights, thanks to a survey fielded in 2008.